Business expenses can be one of the biggest drains on your personal finances. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce or eliminate the financial sting of these costs. From finding deals on office supplies to negotiating with suppliers, there are lots of ways to keep your business expenses under control. In fact, cutting costs on business expenses is often the first step in growing a company beyond its initial funding stage and into profitability. The sooner you can stop spending money unnecessarily, the sooner you’ll be able to grow your business faster without risking going broke in the meantime. In other words, reducing your business expenses now will help your company thrive in the long run.

Shop around before buying.

When you have the money in your budget, buying office supplies or other equipment is easy. But if you don’t have enough cash on hand to cover the entire purchase, then that’s a different story. Before you make any purchases, take the time to do some research and find out if there are cheaper alternatives available. You don’t have to settle for what’s available on the first page of Google; dig a little deeper and you’ll likely find even better deals.

Negotiate with suppliers.

When it comes to business expenses, there’s no shortage of opportunities to negotiate. Whether it’s a software developer charging too much for their services, a real estate agent charging too much for their commissions, or a wholesaler charging too much for their products, there’s bound to be someone who’s charging more than they need to. You can find out who your local representatives are and start a dialogue with them. If possible, bring your business partner or other investors along for the conversation. By bringing others to the table, you can get a better deal while leveraging their experience.

Use apps to find cheaper deals.

If there are any app stores for your business (if you don’t know, Google it), you can search for apps that will help you find cheaper deals on supplies and other services. There are many apps that are dedicated to helping businesses find cheaper rates on things like insurance, office space, utilities, and even services. Some of these apps even have social features that let you compare prices with your fellow business owners.

Find cheaper office space.

If you’re renting office space, see if you can find cheaper alternatives. Many landlords will offer cheaper rates if you’re willing to sign a long-term lease. Make sure you’re comparing apples to apples and taking other factors into account, like the quality of the space. You might be able to find a cheaper option, but that doesn’t mean it’s an outstanding deal. You’ll need to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

Go digital.

If you’re still using paper for invoices, accounting, and other processes, then you’re paying for unnecessary storage and paper costs. Many accounting software providers offer free trials, which let you get a feel for the software and see if it’s a good fit for your business before you commit to a full year of service. You might also be able to negotiate a lower monthly rate if you’re willing to commit to a short term. In addition to getting you set up with the software you need, this can help you save money in the long run by reducing the amount of paper you need to store and print.

Don’t forget about insurance.

If you’re running a small business, you need to have the proper insurance coverage in place. If you don’t, you’re putting yourself and any employees who work for you at risk. If you’re not sure what type of insurance you need, talk to an expert. You can find a local insurance agent or broker who can help you find the right plan for your needs. There are many different types of insurance you might want to consider, including general liability, workers’ compensation, and auto insurance. If you don’t have the right coverage in place, you could be held responsible for any financial fallout from claims filed against the business.

Wrapping up

Reducing your business expenses doesn’t have to be difficult. By taking a few hours out of your week and looking for cheaper alternatives, you can reduce your expenses without sacrificing quality. You might not notice the difference in your day-to-day life, but you’ll certainly notice a difference in your bottom line. The sooner you reduce your expenses, the more time you’ll have free to focus on growing your business.